Keren Ann update: new album

Brooklynvegan has a nice writeup on Keren Ann, for those needing an introduction. Worth noting that the “Not Going Anywhere” album she released in 2004–and that I liked quite a bit–is her first English-language release. She’s been out and about for awhile in her native France.

And apparently she’s not taking much of a rest, either. Her next album, “Nolita,” is already finished and out in France.

Highlight for me in the Brooklyvegan post in this great quote pulled from a Mystical Beast review of “Nolita.”

‘Ann’s vocals hit an exceedingly tasteful spot somewhere between Claudine Longet’s whisper and Hope Sandoval’s heroin hangover, arriving at a point where her voice lacks audibility and expression in equal parts. Add the French-ish accent, and you get distant, sexy, and foreign, and I can’t imagine what could be more appealing to a certain kind of male reader, other than “inaccessible.” ‘